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Home Planet

Home Planet

Don't you hate those useless homepages everybody and their dog (literally) seems to have lately? The ones that serve no purpose other than self-indulgence and clutter up the web? Well, sorry. I resisted the tempataion for a couple of years, but I've given in. Welcome, I guess.

where I come from

Since this page is called "My World", I thought I'd tell you where I come from. I come from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse (sorry people, I've been reading Hitch Hiker's Guide again...) <grin> It's called Fracoo (pronounced "Zel-boo-ra"). It is densely populated by a cross between a cat and a fusia banana know as a Qwerty (pronounced "kwer-tee"). They are friendly and intelligent enough to build rustic houses, but it is doubltful they will ever advance any farther than that. Of course, that is not the speicies to which I belong. I'm from a smaller group of humonoids commonly known as "Freaks". We don't usually roam past our native planet, but I have been sent as an explorer, along with others (though, to other planets). I am facinated by this thing you call "Internet". We have nothing like it on Fracoo. Do you know what I just noticed? "Fracco" is spelt like "Yahoo!". . . . Cooincidence....? I think not. :)

A bit about me...

Since this is a Personal Homepage, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am a 14 year old girl from Canada. I love soccer. In fact I belive I am adiccted to it. A while back when I stopped playing for a while, I was suffering from withdrawl. ;-) I am veggetarian, but NOT A HIPPY!!! I hate microsoft (isn't it ironic that something with the word "micro" in it's name is so big?). I use a Mac with OS9 and almost MkLinux. I am a geek (but not a nerd and most definately not a dork!!!) I dress a bit oddly. Well, no, it's just that I live in a suburban city where EVERYONE dresses EXATCLY the same, so any tiny difference is freakish.

If you want to know more, check out my diary.

Well... now that THAT'S over with.....

Don't forget to email me with your comments.